The Space Between Us is a group show by Kir, Michael Cuadrado, and Bradley Marshall opening on Thursday, July 7th from 6-9PM.

The Space Between Us is a wrangling. A limp shadow that traipses to a periphery of our created environment. Its presence defines what is out of bounds, but not what is in play. It is a field of scattered semiotics, composed of historical reclamations, hydrocarbon accretions, and the voids of prefab signifiers.
Cuadrado’s paintings and collage befuddle the serialized narratives of modernist painting. Beneath the organizing principles of grids, mosaics, and arrows lies an uneasy aphroditic tension. Marshall’s works are assembled from dumbified joinery, highlighting tropes of DIY goods and the homes surrounding them. Made from cheap composite materials, more concerned with logistics than longevity - the forms are wedged between consumptive identities and fabricated experiences of labor. Kir’s work depicts inorganic and organic waste on colliding vectors of abjection. Forms teeter, dance, and wither as they are discarded from one host to the next, tumbling into disfiguration and burnt out afterlives.
The Space Between Us is as much a question for counterparts as it is to the self. Whether reflected in a discarded mold, felt through the limits of our topology, or elucidated in the serialized desires of our own taste - Cuadrado, Kir, and Marshall’s exhibition seeks to present the uneasy distance between our objects, identities, histories, and trajectories.
-Matt Ryan
About the Artists
Kir is an artist based in NYC and Chicago. They grew up in Brooklyn and Long Island and received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2019.
Michael Cuadrado (he/him) is a visual artist born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He received a BFA in Drawing from Pratt Institute in 2018 and is currently an MFA candidate in Painting and Printmaking at the Yale school of Art. -
Bradley Marshall received his MFA in studio art from East Tennessee State University in 2018. He attended the Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture in 2018 and has completed Stove Works and NARS Foundation residencies. He has exhibited at Atlanta Contemporary, the Houston Center for Photography, SF Camerawork, Stove Works, Ox-Bow School of Art, and NARS Foundation. He lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.