Co-Prosperity Sphere welcomes Metal Tongues, Ian Chang, and Landlady on Sunday, October 29 as part of their "The World Is A Loud Place" album release tour!
You have the rest of your lives to listen to their new album, “The World Is A Loud Place,” but who knows how many more chances you’ll get to see them perform live.
Here are some events that might occur that would make this Landlady's last tour ever:
-mudslide -landslide -electric slide -inter-band romances begin and then crumble -music industry grows vibrant and we all embark on successful solo projects -music industry continues decline and we eat each other in order of height -bad shrimp -van slips on banana peel thrown by car in front of us -plague(s) -trapped under fallen stack of CD singles of "Landslide" -anything else that ever happened to Fleetwood Mac -old age -new age -low ticket sales**